Dashboard Devo

Psalm 46

Episode Summary

We are living in some really difficult and often troublesome times. What does God have to say about our fears?

Episode Notes

Special Note: 

In this episode, we mentioned some of the things the world has experienced over the past 12 months. Be conscientious about what you share and discuss with your family. If you have really young listeners do not feel the necessity to invite them into the nuances of all that is happening. I would encourage you to relate this Psalm to their own lives with real stories from your own family context. To the small world of a child,  things like lost toys, bad weather, and scraped knees are monumental! Let us not belittle their feelings or give them more than they can carry. 

Family Discussion Questions: 

  1. Based on Psalm 46, who or what is God? (I.E. Protector, Rescuer, Hero, etc.) 
  2. What is a refuge? 
  3. What promise or truth is there for us to claim and remember?
  4. Ask, "How will tomorrow look different having heard and talked about this scripture?"

Additional Resources: 


Daily Prayer App for your phone- http://www.rethinkme.com/dailyprayer/

HEAR Journaling: https://replicate.org/what-is-a-hear-journal/

All Scripture is read out of the ESV Translation of the Bible. 


Remember this podcast is not designed to replace your personal devotion time with God. There are hundreds of resources out there on how to walk daily with Jesus. Our recommendation is to simply start with one of the Gospels of Jesus in the New Testament and read few verses each day. Use the Replicate Ministries HEAR Journaling Method to respond: Highlight what stands out to you, explain what it means, apply it to your life, and respond in obedience.